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How to Fall into Sin in Three Easy Steps

If your goal is to fall into sin and be stuck there for a lifetime, I've got good news for you! The program that I prescribe below will allow you to accomplish your goal quickly and easily, and without diet or exercise! Just follow each of these three simple steps and you will be on your way to a life of bondage and shame.

1. Allow Satan to Deceive You

The first step to falling into sin is to fall for Satan's deception. In Genesis 3:13 God confronts Eve with her sin of disobedience, and she responds in these words: "The Serpent deceived me, and I ate." Notice she doesn't say she ate the fruit because she couldn't resist it, or because she desired it. She had no desire for the fruit at all. Satan played a Jedi mind trick on her, convincing her that she wanted the fruit, when she didn't want it at all, and convincing her that she needed the fruit when she didn't need it at all! Sin does not begin with desire or need, it begins with deception. The first step to falling into sin is to allow Satan to deceive you into believing that you need something that God is not providing for you, or that you want something that God is not giving to you. Once deception has set in, you are off to a good start, but you are not there yet. You still have two steps to go!

2. Give in to Temptation

Once you have given in to the deception of the enemy, temptation sets in. That is, you didn't know that you wanted what God said that you are not to have until the enemy convinced you that you wanted it. But now that you've tasted it, you realize that you absolutely want it! Now you needn't be deceived anymore. Instead you are tempted and led astray by your own desires (James 1:14). The temptation that comes from your own sinful desires is the guarantee that you will continue to return to this particular sin for the rest of your life! This is the real substance of falling into sin. Only one step remains to making it permanent!

3. Keep it a Secret

Once you have been overwhelmed by temptation, the only thing that can hinder you from reaching your goal of complete slavery to sin is confession, repentance, and submission to a godly leader. The way you avoid this is by keeping your sin a secret at all costs! Thankfully, this is just as easily done as it is said! While in most  situations secrets are hard to keep, sin secrets are easy to keep because they are powered by shame. Shame is like a good, strong girdle: just as a girdle helps you conceal, rather than lose, your gut, shame helps you conceal your sin so that you maintain the appearance of freedom and godliness!

So there you have it! If you follow these three easy steps, you are guaranteed a life of unrestrained, and incurable sin and debauchery. If at any time you feel that you've gotten off track, that you are somehow straying from your goal, simply return to these three steps and you'll find that you are back in bondage to sin in no time!

Question: With of these steps do you identify with the most? 


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Author: admin
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  1. Shoo. I would say the last two, because it's hard to know when you're being deceived. I do have brothers who keep me accountable, which makes the faith walk more victorious.

  2. Good morning Pastor Benjamin this is cd! I believe for me being deceived. Yet surrendering my heart to God as a living sacrifice holy pleasing, which allows intimacy with the Father to hear His voice tuned in that my heart, mind, soul will not wander, but towards him who loves me. Cd

  3. Hey pastor B this is VD I am drawn right to the last one because I never knew how thing I thought were put away in a in a secret place need to be exposed to the light so they can be done away with not just not seen. Thanks for the Tuneup. VD

  4. It's pj. i would say the first... when not preparing my mind for action, meditating on the word or being self controlled and alert, it's easy for me to allow even the little foxes to come in and ruin the vine... i've noticed that it is when i buy into the small deceptions that i'm allowing myself to be blinded to what was rightfully given me by God in the first place! no longer.... i will not be deceived, but be intentional about walking in what is freely given me.

  5. Wow! Awesome comments! I think in the posts that follow I'll take some time to explain each of these entities one at a time: deception, temptation, secrecy. Many blessings!
