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Three Degrees of Deception

Living free from sin begins with breaking free from deception. Jesus was tempted in every way we are, yet he was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). The secret was that he was never deceived; he was and is the truth! Because he was never deceived temptation had no power over him because he had no evil desires. His soul was completely satisfied in God. Deception is anything that allures the soul away from its place of complete satisfaction in God! Deception is far more powerful than temptation because apart from deception temptation has no power! This is why the truth sets us free (John 8:32) and sanctifies us (John 17:17). This is why the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth who comes to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). His task is to lead us out of every place of error and deception and into the fullness of the truth of Jesus Christ. In this post I'd like to discuss three of the primary forms that deception takes and how to avoid them.

1. The Jedi Mind Trick: In Genesis 3:13 Eve reveals why she ate from the tree that God commanded her and Adam not to eat from: "The serpent deceived me and I ate." How did he deceive her? He created a hunger where no hunger previously existed. In essence, he played a Jedi mind trick on her. He held the fruit out in front of her and said, "You want this, you really want this!" This is the primary form deception takes. The enemy will do anything to convince you that sin is something that you want, something that you need, something that you cannot avoid, something that is necessary. When you resist it he will tell you you're being legalistic, holier than thou, and self-righteous. He will tell you that to be a human being is to be a sinner, and to resist sin is to resist your humanity. All of these lies are designed to give power to temptation in the hopes that you'll be overtaken. This is the first degree of deception.

2. The Old Switcheroo: The second degree of deception is illustrated in Genesis 29:25 in which Jacob wakes up the morning after his wedding day to discover that he married the wrong lady! His father Laben had switched Rachel for Leah and Jacob didn't even know it because he was too drunk! He thought he was climbing into bed with one woman, but in actuality he had become intimate with a whole nother woman! To make matters worse, Rachel was young and beautiful, but Leah was hard to look at! He thought he was climbing into bed with something attractive, but ended up becoming intimate with something ugly! This is classic deception: once the Jedi mind trick works and Satan convinces you to climb into bed with, let's say, sexual fulfillment, you wake up next to pornography addiction; you climb into bed with casual drinking and wake up next to alcoholism. All the devil needs is a foot in the door and he'll throw the old switcheroo at you!

3. The Treaty: The third degree of deception is found in Joshua 9:22. The Gibeonites heard that Joshua and the Israelites were taking out every city in the region, so they sent out a couple messengers dressed in rags and carrying spoiled bread to meet them. The messengers claimed that their land was far, far away and that making a treaty with them would not hinder the expansion campaign of the Israelites. Once the treaty was made, the Israelites discovered that the Gibeonites lived a few blocks away! Now the Israelites are forced to honor a treaty with their enemies. Once Satan has played the Jedi mind trick on us, and executed the old switcheroo, he tries to get us to make a treaty with our sin by assuring us that its consequences are far, far away and that there is no chance of our being harmed by it. This is the worst deception of all because sin's consequences are always right around the corner! Making a treaty with sin means accepting its presence in our lives. Now we are really deceived because we have stopped contending for victory over it.

I believe that freedom from sin is a theme that God is highlighting in the body of Christ right now. Bondage to sin is rampant in the church. I believe the key to breaking free is the infusion of truth. It is the truth that sets us free. We don't have to be ignorant of Satan's devices! We can walk free and clean by the power of the Holy Spirit if we walk in him who is the truth and let him set us free from every power of deception! What are your thoughts?


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Author: admin
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  1. The worst is when the enemy uses something seemingly harmless to deceive us, like movies, music, TV, video games, etc. [h]e tells us that there is nothing wrong with us watching a movie or two (we'll enjoy it, we'll fit in with others, escapism from a long day, etc.) but every two hours I spend watching a cinematic masterpiece like "The Fast and the Furious", is two hours I'm not acknowledging God in all my way (Proverbs 3:6).

    Or listening to some popular music (e.g., "conscience" hip hop) is like a gateway drug to listening to music with underlying messages of sexual objectification, anti-authority, and criminal mindedness. It's time to stop negotiating with the enemy and start trusting in God, the author and finisher of our Faith.

  2. I agree. The unprecedented access we have to entertainment is lulling us into a sleep of abject ignorance, and the result is deception! Its time for the church to wake up!

  3. What a great entry! I think it's gonna go down as one of your best! It's so insightful and practical! I hope you don't mind that I refer to these three degrees of deception when counseling my leaders.

    I really like what you said the other day about how we must stand against the defeated mindset that pornography is "every man's battle" and to be a man, by definition, is to struggle with lust and porn. This is a lie! Joseph and Paul did not struggle with porn and lust, they were victorious... as you mentioned, we need to reframe it as "every man's victory"!

    Hey pops! Did you mean to put only one blog post on the landing page for your blog? It looks like you've only written one entry and it's difficult to find the other ones. I'd recommend listing 5 at a time... but that's just my humble opinion!
